Agreements of the Mora Institute with other institutions and organisms.


The agreements signed by the Institute correspond to institutional, teaching and research requirements of the Master’s in Political Sociology. Some of the agreements are aimed at strengthening academic relations with national and international educative institutions for the exchange of professors and students and for the development of our six research lines, so the agreements support the program in general, without preference for any particular research line. Additionally agreements have been established with institutions that keep documents in order to foster the consultation of their collections. At the Institute, academic collaboration is promoted on a regular basis as a means to invite professors, dissertation counselors and, in general, to support the students’ training and research work.


Type of Agreement
Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires.
General collaboration
To establish academic and scientific exchange relation in areas of common interest.
Archivo General de la Nación
General collaboration
To develop programs aimed at fostering scientific and humanistic research of historical value.
Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes
General collaboration
To promote scientific research, dissemination of culture and national and international publications with historical, bibliographical, escientific and humanistic values.
Universidad Nacional de Córdoba/Centro de Estudios Avanzados/Departamento de Ciencia Política
General collaboration
To mantain academic and scientific exchange relations (researchers, graduates, fellows, and postgrade students);
establish constant exchange of information and documents.
Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos
General collaboration
To establish an exchange of academic staff, students, and bibliographic material.
To promote research projects, courses, seminars, and co-edition agreements.
Asociación Mexicana de Estudios del Caribe, A.C.
To develop joint programs to get the most out of the experiences, advancements and academic resources of both parties in teaching, research and culture dissemination areas.
Radio Educación
Collaboration and exchange
To establish the foundations for collaboration and exchange.
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
General collaboration
To establish collaboration bases in the fields of teaching, research, and culture dissemination, and the joint development of programs, in order to take advantage of experiences, advancements and academic and cultural resources of both parties.
Instituto de Historia de Cuba, La Habana.
General collaboration
To establish the foundations for collaboration in the fields of teaching, research, and culture dissemination, and the joint development of programs in order to take advantages of experiences, advancements and academic and cultural resources of both parties.
Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla
General collaboration
To establish collaboration bases to promote the support of teaching, university extension, inter-institutional relations, training, professional practice, and social service, and also to develop joint research projects, to share information services and to encourage overall actions leading to the strengthening of the scientific and technological tasks.
Consejo Nacional para Prevenir la Discriminación (CONAPRED) de México
General support and collaboration agreement
To establish collaboration guidelines for the parties to follow in conducting academic and research projects and programs, as well as in organizing actions for common interest and benefit.
Red de Colegios y Centros de Investigación en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades de México
General collaboration
Academic collaboration in research and teaching activities, such as: exchange of research professors, alumni and students, as well as of academic information, research projects, joint publishing, interlibrary colaboration, optimal use of infraestructure, common search for external resources, and the joint undertaking of diverse academic activities in the fields afin to each one of the signatory institutions.
Instituto Nacional De Antropología E Historia / Escuela Nacional De Antropología E Historia De México
Specific collaboration
"“The Mora Institute” and “The INAH”, through “The ENAH” agree to join efforts and resources to undertake the organization and developmen of common activities related to scientific research, exchange of students and professors, as well as cultural and dissemination programs of interest for both parties.
Centro Nacional del Patrimonio Fotográfico de Santiago de Chile
Letter of intentions
Project “Rescue of Latin American Memory: Information System for the Preservation of Photographic Collections project. 2005-2010.”
Universidad Juárez del Estado de Durango
Academic collaboration
To establish the bases and guidelines for the collaboration between “the UJED” through its Historic Research Institute,” and “the Mora Institute” over the implementation of academic activities, research, teaching, extension, culture dissemination, and services of scientific and technological support in both institutions.
Academia Mexicana de Derecho Ambiental de México
General collaboration
To establish the bases and guidelines for the collaboration between “The Academy” and “The Institute,” for the development of academic activities, over the undertaking of academic activities, research, teaching, extension, culture dissemination, and services of scientific and technological support in both institutions.
Centro de Comunicación, Investigación Y Documentación entre Europa, España Y América Latina (CIDEAL) de Madrid
General academic collaboration agreement
To promote mutual support in teaching, research, technical assistence, publishing, and editorial exchange, among others.
Universidad De Salamanca (España)
Basic international collaboration agreement
To promote exchange of scientific and cultural knowledge, as well as knowledge and culture dissemination.
Puerto Rico
Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico
Framework collaboration agreement
To establish the bases and criteria to undertake academic cooperation activities in programs and projects of common interest.
Instituto Nacional de las Mujeres de México
General collaboration agreement
To establish the bases to organize and develop joint research, scientific and cultural activities of their interest.
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
General collaboration agreement
To establish collaboration bases in actions related to academic exchange, research, training, counseling, cultural dissemination, promotion, and valorization of the Latin American photographic heritage.
Universidad Nacional de Tucumán
University exchange and cooperation agreement
To establish complementary and cooperative academic, scientific and cultural relations.
Universidad de Buenos Aires, Facultad de Filosofía Y Letras
Academic collaboration
To establish complementary and cooperative academic, scientific and cultural relations.
Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Campus Toluca, Estado de México
General collaboration
To establish the collaboration bases in actions related to academic exchange, research, teaching, training, counseling, and cultural dissemination.
Cedodal para la Investigación del Arte, Arquitectura y Urbanismo, Asociación Civil de Buenos Aires Argentina.
Collaboration agreement
To carry out the project “German photographers in Latin America: the photographs of the architectural heritage.”
Secretaria General de Gobierno del Estado de México
Specific collaboration aggreement
To establish collaboration bases through specific cooperation agreements for the Mora Institute to provide lectures, courses, workshops, associates degrees, counseling; to organice dissemination and extension eventes in the institutions’ overlapping areas; to develop subject contents, bibliographic, and educational material, and to give technical advice and training to public (state and municipality) officers, social organizations and students from national or foreign academic private and social institutions.
Universidad de Coruña
Framework collaboration agreement
To promote the exchange of experiences and staff in the fields of teaching, research, and culture in general, in the areas in which both institutions share an evident interest.
Instituto Electoral del Estado de México
Collaboration agreement
The agreement consists in jointly conducting activities towards: academic progress, professional training and education, science and technology development, dissemination of knowledge, in all the areas in which both parties share institutional objectives and interests.
Instituto Latinoamericano de Ciencias Y Humanidades, León Guanajuato.
Convenio general de colaboración
Establecer las bases de colaboración para el desarrollo de programas conjuntos, para aprovechar las experiencias, avances y recursos académicos de ambas partes en las áreas de docencia y difusión de la cultura.
Universidad Autónoma de Campeche
General collaboration agreement
To establish collaboration bases to develop joint programs that take advantage of experiences, advancements, and academic resources of both parties in teaching, research and culture dissemination areas.
Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana
General collaboration agreement
To establish collaboration bases to develop joint programs that take advantage of experiences, advancements, and academic resources of both parties in teaching and culture dissemination areas.
El Colegio Mexiquense, A. C.
General collaboration agreement
To establish general bases and mechanisms to use the infraestructure and experience of both parties with the aim to collaborate in functions of teaching, research and culture dissemination.
Universidad de Santiago de Chile
Cultural and scientific collaboration agreement
To promote culture development and dissemination, and, particularly, the evolution of higher education and scientific and technological research.
La Universidade Federal de Juiz
General collaboration agreement
To establish the bases to implement joint activities directed to academic improvement, professional education and training, science and technological progress, and knowledge dissemination, in all the areas in which both parties share institutional objectives and interests, through planning, scheduling and undertaking actions of collaboration, exchange, and mutual support, beneficial for the parties and the society.
Universidad Autónoma del Estado De México (UAEMEX)
Convenio general de colaboración
Establecer las bases para la realización de actividades conjuntas encaminadas a : la superación académica, la formación y capacitación profesional; el desarrollo de la ciencia y la tecnología; y la divulgación del conocimiento, en todas aquellas áreas de coincidencia de sus finalidades e intereses institucionales., mediante la planeación, programación y realización de las acciones de colaboración, intercambio y apoyo mutuo que beneficien a las partes y a la sociedad.
​La Universidad de Granada
Collaboration agreement
Development of academic, cultural, and scientific relations.
Universitat Jaume I De Castello ​
Collaboration agreement
To establish, through protocols, concrete ways to exchange experiences in the fields where both entities share evident interest. They commit to foster the undertaking of projects of common interest in a collaborative form.
​El Lateinamerika-Institut de la Freeie Universität Berlin
Academic cooperation agreement
To establish a mutual scientific, cultural and academic cooperation of interest for both parties.
​Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro
General collaboration agreement
To establish collaboration bases to implement the organization and development of specific agreements and the work programs in the fields of university extension, teaching, and research..
Tribunal Electoral del Poder Judicial de la Federación
General collaboration agreement
The Court, through its centre for electoral law training, and the Institute, establish the general bases for institutional collaboration in order to take part in programs, projects, and activities of mutual interest.
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Framework collaboration agreement
To develop collaboration lines between both institutions, for their benefit, in the areas and ways described in the following clauses, or through the implementation of concrete activities and projects, which will be the object of the corresponding specific agreement in each case.