Mora Institute has wide recognition both in the national and international academic fields due to the excellence of its research in history and social science, as well as to its high quality standards in the academic programs it teaches. Moreover, the rich collection of its library and its diverse and interesting publications are also acknowledged. Go to site
The Institute has a specialized faculty of research professors, trained in postgraduate studies in Mexico and abroad, with a wide teaching experience in many Mexican and foreign universities. Due to the high quality of its research projects, the Institute has been granted financial support from several national and international organizations.
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At the Mora Institute, we perceive Teaching as a means of communicating pioneering and state-of-the-art knowledge produced in the classroom or in virtual environments, and specifically aimed at training professionals. It has a specialized group of research professors trained in postgraduate studies in Mexico and abroad, with teaching experience in many Mexican and foreign universities.Go to site
• It orders, promotes and evaluates the collaboration agreements
• It enhances academic and cultural dissemination
• It fosters and monitors special projects
• It coordinates continuing education courses and follows-up on them.
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Mora Apps

The strategy of a state-of-the-art technology aims mainly to fulfill the demands of the academic projects of our institution, in order to offer Mora Institute’s community several technological tools to promote collaborative work and knowledge management in a simple manner.
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Plaza Valentín Gómez Farías #12 Col. San
Juan Mixcoac México CDMX. C.P 03730 - Tel. conmutador 5598-3777.
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INSTITUTO MORA, MÉXICO - Some rights reserved © 2014 NOTICE OF PRIVACY